Why Dough?
Wayzata Community Church is a community of humble followers of Jesus Christ who choose, by God’s grace, to live by love, seek continual transformation, and equip all to be servant leaders in the Twin Cities and throughout the world. In other words, the energy Christians gain from their relationship to Jesus within this faith community is ultimately intended for the sake of others.
The purpose of Dough is to identify, empower, and prioritize the use of the human and financial resources from within Wayzata Community Church for the sake of entrepreneurial ventures with program models that would ideally serve as catalysts for self-reliance and empowerment, promoting human flourishing.
Wayzata Community Church intends to be faithful stewards of our resources for the sake of the Kingdom of God. WCC has people, relationships, experience, and facilities to assist and direct mission endeavors. We desire to unleash these resources for the sake of Christ’s work in the world. Further, WCC desires to be a place where people are drawn to develop and use their particular gifts, talents, and skills.
Finally, Wayzata Community Church has been challenged to heed a personal and collective calling to do justice, to love kindness, and to walk humbly with our Lord. Historically, common mission works to generate enthusiasm, galvanize service, solicit deeper faith, necessitate prayer, build community, and bear fruit for the kingdom of God. Wayzata Community Church seeks to do that which will stretch us toward greater faith and dependence on Christ as we demonstrate love for our neighbors.
The outcomes of Dough will be “good.”
The Goods
The outcomes of Dough will help people and ideas rise:
To heed with humility and by faith, God’s calling to be salt and light in the world, working toward the promised new creation where righteousness, justice, and love fully reside. Proclaiming God’s Good News in everything we say and do through the Christian values of faith, service, grace, justice, love, redemption and reconciliation.
Dough enables us to have an exponentially broader reach to our neighbors and provide a platform for partnership with a multitude of organizations that expand our capacity to do justice while allowing us to maintain our existing mission partnerships and commitments.
Dough calls WCC members to use their skills, networks, connections, and experiences to help advance ideas that are incubated, enabling faithful entrepreneurs in breaking new ground with mentoring, strategizing, funding, growing, and celebrating. Dough will help our community rise by investing in sustainable and innovative ideas that are sharpened via this coaching from our congregation, accelerating the successful launch of creative and faithful ideas that address major challenges in our city and world.
Dough is intended not only to successfully launch new ventures and fresh ways to share Christ’s love, but also to create a hunger and appetite among our members to live holistic lives of mission. By exciting and involving WCC as coaches, incubators, innovators, accelerators and partners of God’s creative work in the world, we extend the grace we have been blessed with to promote justice, righteousness, and human dignity.