
Mental Health Summer Events


The WCC Mental Health Ministry invites you to this event.

“Delay Your Gray: How to Keep Your Teenager Safe and Care for Yourself, Too”
with Liz Jorgensen, CADC (Consultant with Newport Health Care)
Thursday, August 11, 6:30–8:30 p.m.

Bethlehem Lutheran Church Activity Room
16023 Minnetonka Blvd., Minnetonka, MN 55345
Click here to register for this event

Adolescence is a turbulent time, and parents often feel the brunt of their child’s struggle to gain independence and form an individual identity. But today’s teens face an additional set of stressors, ranging from the isolating effects of social media to the anxiety and trauma of social, political, and environmental crises. In this presentation, Liz offers tools for helping teens to navigate this challenging time in their lives and in the world—as well as tips to help parents stay balanced and supported.

Liz Jorgensen will cover areas including:
•  How to tell the difference between “normal” adolescent development and warning signs of a mental health issue
•. Ways to set effective limits on alcohol and drug use, technology, socializing, sexual activity, and more
•  Creating team parenting strategies and growing your parent support network
•  Using humor to stay balanced and to connect with your teen

About the Speaker: Liz is the owner and director of Insight Counseling in Ridgefield, Connecticut. She has 30 years of experience in adolescent and adult psychotherapy and counseling. A consultant to Newport Healthcare, she is a nationally recognized expert in engaging resistant teens and motivating them to change. Liz was the coordinator of Adolescent Substance Abuse Services at Danbury Hospital and created and ran the hospital’s outpatient programming during her 18 years there.





Contact / Location

Contact info

Address: 125 Wayzata Boulevard East
Wayzata, MN 55391
Church Office: 952-473-8877
Church Fax: 952-473-2695
WCC Nursery School: 952-473-2114
Nursery School Fax: 952-476-6598

Worship / Calendar

Sunday Worship

8 a.m., 9 a.m., 10 a.m. Parables and 10:45 a.m.
on Facebook, Youtube and our website

Please visit WC-Connect for current calendar information.