Look for Details in this E-News on the Items below:
- Highlights from Kids Night Out!
- Highlights from Mission in Motion!
- Volunteers Needed: k, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 5th in February and March. Join in on the fun!
- Wednesday Class Details for k-5th this week
- Shipwrecked!! VBS 2018 Registration is Open!! Aug. 13-17
- Summer camp Registration begins this Month!!
Kids Night Out!!
Wow!! we had a terrific turnout for our annual Mission and Service Fair on Wednesday, Feb. 14th! We packed over 200 sandwiches for the homeless, made valentines for senior memory centers, made dog and cat toys for the humane society and so much more! Here are a few highlights from our afternoon of serving.
We Need Your Help!!
This month and next month we are in desperate need of volunteers for teaching and guiding. I promise you, it is fun, and your kids LOVE when you volunteer. I am in need of teachers and guides for kindergarten through 5th grade. Click here to look at the openings and to choose dates to help. I will follow up with details for you on everything you need to know. Thanks for working with me to guide your kids on their spiritual journey!
Click here to sign up to volunteer.
Moment for Mission and Bible Books and Games this Week!
This week in Moment for Mission we’ll be focusing on this bible verse: Do everything without complaining or arguing: Philippians 4:13. We’ll talk about what this looks like when we serve and help with a cheerful heart.
In Bible Books and Games we are continuing to learn the books of the Bible by playing games and singing songs. Your kids are really learning them! This week we’ll play the game of stacking cups, bowling, and jingo to learn the books of the Bible. At the end of this late class we always have a snack and free play in the gym. Join us anytime from 7:15-8:30 in the gym area.
Vacation Bible School
Vacation Bible School 2018
August 13-17 • 9 a.m.-12:00 p.m.
For ages 3 through 5th grade
and 6th-8th grade Junior Counselor Program
Cost: $100 per child
Click here to register.
Children with special needs are always welcome! We’ll provide a 1-on-1 Buddy or whatever your child needs. Contact Jodie Nyberg or Hannah Cruzen to discuss details.
New this year: Extended Day
This year we are also offering an extended day from 12:00-4:30 p.m. The charge is $20 per day for extended care. If you choose this option, please send a bag lunch with your child each day. Extended day activities include: outdoor play, gym time, movie or board games, library time and art experiences.
Summer Camp Registration is Now Open! All kids currently in 2nd through 5th grade, you can come to overnight summer camp this year! There are two options for current 2nd-4th graders and 3 times to choose from for current 5th graders who will attend Middle school camp this summer! Click here to register.
Children’s sessions : 2nd-4th graders
CC #1 Saturday, June 23 through Tuesday, June 26
CC #2 Wednesday, July 11 through Saturday, July 14
Middle School Sessions: for 5th graders
MS #1 Sunday, June 17 through Friday, June 22
MS #2 Thursday, July 5 through Tuesday, July 10
MS #3 Sunday, July 15 through Friday, July 20
Blessings and love!!
Jodie Nyberg