
Elementary Ministry K-5th Grade October 15th, 2018

October e-news

  • Sundays in October: Freedom
  • Faith Trek-New Wednesday Program (6:30-8:00pm)
  • 4th Grade Milestone Continues on Oct. 24th
  •  Halloween “Kids Night Out”-Oct 26th
  • Christmas Choir Coming Up!


Sunday Graceland: Freedom!

Last Sunday we began another unit in Exodus on Moses leading the Israelites to freedom. Thank you to the following teachers who will be with your kids throughout the month of October: Jody and Dan McArdle-kindergarten, Megan Nowak- 1st grade, Scott Yokiel- 2nd grade, Gail Baumgart-3rd grade, Amy and Mike Mitchell 4th grade, Jodie and Matt Greer 5th grade. Each lab will be filled with fun and interactive lessons making this story come alive for your children.

Check in System: As you probably know by now we have a new check in system on both Sunday morning and Wednesday evenings.  All families will need to check in on the IPADs at either west or east entrances before heading right to Sunday school in the gym area. Parents, save the little check out slip because you’ll to show that to teachers and leaders when you pick up your child after class.

Offering: Your kids received a cute reusable offering envelope this month in Sunday School. Please encourage them to use this tithing envelope each week when they come to church.  Discuss as a family how much to put in the offering envelope ( 5o cents-$1) Kids will have the opportunity to pass the basket during our celebration time and to learn what tithing means.

Birthday Wagon: This year I’ll be sending birthday cards to your home for your child to celebrate their big day! We’ll celebrate in church on Sunday or Wednesday by singing to them and giving them a small gift from the birthday cart! If you have registered your child i  have their birthday to send them a special note on the week of their big day!

Each week in our Wednesday evening class we focus on a word of character to help us follow in Christ’s footsteps. Throughout the month of October our word is Contentment: Deciding to be okay with what you have. We’re reading  about Paul from the new testament and are learning from his example to being content even when life brings difficult things! We always have a memory verse we work on all month as well. This month our memory verse is: “Then he said to them, “Watch out! Be on your guard against wanting to have more and more things. Life is not made up of how much a person has.” Luke 12:15. Thank you to our awesome leaders who have committed to walking with your kids in their learning all year: k/1-Shana Shurson and Katie Page, 2/3-Jonathan Robinson and Dawn Smiley and 4/5-Dave Carlson and Tracy Bullock.

4th Grade Milestone Continues on Wed. Oct. 24th:

Calling all 4th graders and parents! On Wednesday Oct. 24th  we’ll continue with our 4 session class to guide you and your 4th grader through the bible, we’ll share faith practices to infuse into your daily life at home and work on getting to know the other families on the journey. Class runs from 6:30-8:00pm in Mithun Hall. Come early for suppers (just $5 this year) then stay for class! Click below to register. We also need to know how you’d like your child’s name written on their bible which will be presented on November 18th in the sanctuary after the conclusion of the 4 classes. Remaining classes are: 10/24 and 11/7

Click Here to Register

Kids night out continues on October 26th with a Halloween Bash! Wear a costume and join in on the fun! We’ll eat Pizza, watch a Halloween movie (not a scary one), make some cool crafts and play some crazy fun games and more! All kids ages 3 through 5th grade are invited to attend. Registration is required.

Click Here to Register

Christmas Choir Coming!

Autumn Toussaint invites all Children in Kindergarten through 5th grade to gather and form a special “Choir” for three rehearsals filled with fun, music, and special surprises.
We will learn a very special Christmas song to sing at the Christmas Eve 5:00pm Worship Service.
Children need not attend all three rehearsals, and prior choir or music experience not required. ALL are welcome.
Dates and times:
Wednesday, December 5th, 6:00pm-6:30pm
Wednesday, December 12th, 6:00pm-6:30pm
Wednesday, December 19th, 6:00pm-6:30pm
All three rehearsals will be in the Choir Room (in the Music Ministry Hallway).
For questions or more information Contact Autumn Toussaint,


Contact / Location

Contact info

Address: 125 Wayzata Boulevard East
Wayzata, MN 55391
Church Office: 952-473-8877
Church Fax: 952-473-2695
WCC Nursery School: 952-473-2114
Nursery School Fax: 952-476-6598

Worship / Calendar

Sunday Worship

8 a.m., 9 a.m., 10 a.m. Parables and 10:45 a.m.
on Facebook, Youtube and our website

Please visit WC-Connect for current calendar information.