What’s in this Update:
Curriculum Updates – God makes our world COLORIFIC!
Early Childhood on Sundays
Early Childhood on Wednesdays
Moms Podcast Club – Monday October 15th
Halloween Ball – Friday October 26th
Curriculum Update – God makes our world COLORIFIC!
This Colorific theme is woven through both Sunday and Wednesday programming to to help us teach preschoolers that God keeps His promises. We’ve all experienced a broken promise or two and our preschoolers won’t have to wait long to experience one too. We want them to grow up knowing that God always keeps His promises. No matter how long we have to wait, God will come through.
Colors are a huge part of a preschooler’s world, and as we explore the colors of the rainbow, we will teach preschoolers that God loves them, and that He always keeps His promises. This is such an important part of the foundation we want to build for preschoolers as they grow to believe that God made them, God loves them, and Jesus
wants to be their friend forever.
We are continuing our journey through God’s COLORIFIC world through October 17th.
Try out our memory verse at home with your child!
Here’s the overview of our unit; what we’ve done so far and what is still to come!
Week 1 – September 16&19 – GREEN – Moses & the Burning Bush
God promises to always be with me.
Week 2 – September 23&26 – BLUE – Moses & the Parting of the Red Sea
God’s promises are awesome!
Week 3 – September 30 & October 3 – RED – Abraham & Sarah Have a Baby
God keeps His promises even if we have to wait.
Week 4 – October 7&10 – YELLOW – Joshua & the Battle of Jericho
Week 5 – October 14&17 – RAINBOW – A sign to remind us that God keeps his promises
Early Childhood on Sundays
Thank you for your continued support and patience as we’ve been working through the changes of a new program year and the implementation of our NEW electronic check-in system and process!
9:00am Worship
Check-in electronically at any of our iPad stations inside the doors of the East and West entrances. Starting at 8:45am, you may bring your child into the main door of the Early Childhood Center located at the East entrance. At our drop off spot, at the end of the main hallway, someone from our Early Childhood Ministry team will escort your child or direct you and your child to the right classroom.
During this worship service, your child will experience Sunday School with their peers in an age appropriate classroom environment. Each class will have free play, group time, a Bible Story, hands on Bible activity, and sing the unit’s theme song!
10:45am Worship
Check-in electronically at any of our iPad stations inside the doors of the East and West entrances. Starting at 10:30am, you may bring your child into the main door of the Early Childhood Center located at the East entrance. At our drop off spot, at the end of the main hallway, someone from our Early Childhood Ministry team will escort your child or direct you and your child to the right classroom.
During this worship service, your child will experience Sunday School in a mixed-age environment. This class will have free play, a Bible story, and hands on Bible activity.
Early Childhood on Wednesdays
Block One 4:00pm-5:15pm
Check-in electronically at any of our iPad stations inside the doors of the East and West entrances. Starting at 3:45pm, you may bring your child into the main door of the Early Childhood Center located at the East entrance. At our drop off spot, at the end of the main hallway, someone from our Early Childhood Ministry team will escort your child or direct you and your child to the right classroom.
In this class, children will enjoy free play, an age appropriate worship experience that includes singing, dancing, and instruments with Ms. Hannah and Ms. Autumn, a silly skit from Mr. Kai, the weekly Bible story, and a hands-on Bible story activity.
Last week we parted our blue balloon Red Sea, sang our theme song “Promises”, and had fun painting with Mr. Kai! Check out our Colorific theme song and have a dance party at home!
Block Three 6:30pm-8:00pm
Check-in electronically at any of our iPad stations inside the doors of the East and West entrances. Starting at 6:15pm, you may bring your child into the main door of the Early Childhood Center located at the East entrance. At our drop off spot, at the end of the main hallway, someone from our Early Childhood Ministry team will escort your child or direct you and your child to the right classroom.
In this class, children will enjoy free play, the weekly Bible story, and a hands-on Bible story activity.
Moms Podcast Club
Over 70% of moms in America work, and I bet, that most feel pulled in a thousand directions (prepping for that big meeting at the end of the week, being the family Uber driver, grocery shopping/ cooking meals for the family, providing love & care (without looking tired) to each child, creating a moment of connection with her partner, and don’t forget a moment of self care, like exercise or a soak in the bath or read a chapter in a book). PLUS that crazy pull to be “Pinterest” perfect that mamas sometimes fall for. (deep sigh)
The Moms Podcast Club will be listening beforehand to “For the Love of… with Jen Hatmaker” Parenting episode 3: Working Moms Stretched Too Thin: Jessica Turner on Work- Life Satisfaction
Mark your calendar for Monday, October 15th at 7:30pm to chat about what “work- life satisfaction” can look like and how we can all support each other.
We’ll be checking out a ✨NEW✨ location at Grizzly’s in Plymouth.
Find the podcast (& script) at:
Halloween Ball
Join us at our annual Halloween Ball in Mithun Hall at WCC! There will be snacks, a DJ, arts & crafts, raffle baskets, and lots of FUN from 6-7:30pm! Kids come in costumes. Open to the public.
Hannah Cruzen
Director of Early Childhood Ministry