Hello hello!
Thanks for all those students and families that attended 9th and 10th grade Milestones! We’ve got plenty of opportunities to get involved this year in high school ministry, keep reading to see what calls to you!
Wayzata Community Church Camp has expanded high school to have three sessions this year and we can’t wait. Make sure you sign up on January 28th starting at 7:00 am to have the greatest week of your summer! Work Crew applications will be available then as well.
Let us know if you’re interested in attending our Spring Break Mission Trip to Mexico ASAP! Seniors, please let us know if you’re interested in our Discipleship Trip to Colorado before January 29th!
Please email Jordan or Gabe if you have any questions, want more information, or just want to say hi!
What’s in this High School Ministry News?
- Weekly Ministry- Acts Wednesday at 7:15 pm and Pathways Sunday at 10:15 am.
- Save the Date- Mexico, Colorado, Camp and more!
- Mission Trip- We’re going to Mexico! Limited Spots available reach out ASAP!
- Colorado Registration- Backpack with us in the Rocky Mountains from July 7th-15th! Don’t miss out on this once in a lifetime discipleship experience!
- Camp– Dates are released for all camps! Registration begins on January 28th at 7 am, don’t miss out! Pre-register today!
- Bridge Builders- Earn money for WCC Opportunities from WCC Opportunities!
- Milestone Ministry Dates- 11th & 12th: February 25th and April 22nd, 9th & 10th: April 15th
Weekly Ministry
- Acts is on Wednesday at 7:15 pm in the Loft, where Sam Kottke will be giving the message! Join us for music, snacks, discussion, and more!
- Pathways will be Sunday at 10:15 am in the Loft!
Save the Date:
- Mission Trip- March 29th- April 3rd
- Colorado 2018- July 7th-15th
- High School Camp-
- HS #1 Sunday, June 10 through Saturday, June 16
- HS #2 Wednesday, June 27 through Tuesday, July 3
- HS #3 Saturday, July 21 through Friday, July 27
- High School Ministry Year Calendar
Mexico Mission Trip (March 29th-April 3rd) – Register Today!
We will be serving on a mission trip this year in Mexico! We will be traveling to Tecate, Mexico from March 29th – April 3rd to build houses for those in need of them. We have limited spots available so please reach out to Gabe or Jordan if at all interested in attending this trip with us.
2018 Spring Break Mission Trip to Mexico – Registration Link
Passport Information: due to the government shutdown we are unsure how long passports will now take to receive.
Colorado Registration
Colorado 2018 registration will close on January 29th so sign up as soon as possible! This trip is for all high school seniors who will graduate in 2018! This is a journey of discipleship where we ‘follow Jesus into the wilderness’. This summer we’ll be hiking in the Colorado Rocky Mountains from July 7th to July 15th. If you have any questions about what this trip entails both logistically or spiritually please do not hesitate to reach out to Jordan.
*Please let us know if you need scholarship help and we are more than happy to speak with you about options.
Summer Camp 2018
Wayzata Community Church is excited to announce that our Summer Camp is back at Bay Lake (otherwise known as Church Island) this summer and the dates are released! There will be three high school sessions this summer and of course, work crew! Registration for camp starts January 28th at 7:00 am!
- HS #1-Sunday, June 10 through Saturday, June 16
- HS #2-Wednesday, June 27 through Tuesday, July 3
- HS #3-Saturday, July 21 through Friday, July 27
View a highlight video of High School Camp 2017 by clicking here!
Pre-Registration Instructions
Summer Camp registration will kick off on Sunday, January 28th at 7:00 a.m. This year we will be using a NEW registration system for camp (all of your past camp account information will NOT work with the new system).
In order to best prepare for camp registration on the 28th, please follow these simple steps!
- Fill out the request for information form at the following link: https://wccregistration.
campmanagement.com/info - Upon completion of this form you will receive your login information via email to the CampSite parent portal. Remember to bookmark this site for registration (this process will not register your camper for a Summer Camp session until you log on January 28th)!
- Save time during registration on January 28th by completing all information and forms in your parent portal for each of your campers. You may do this any time before the start of registration.
Questions? Contact Kjerstee Miller at 952-473-8877 ext. 224 or kmiller@
Bridge Builders
Bridge Builders is an exciting new opportunity for students to earn money from us that goes directly towards exciting opportunities that we offer here at Wayzata Community Church like; Summer Camp, Fall or Spring Retreats; Graduated Senior Colorado Trip; Mexico Mission Trip; and more! It works by signing up through sign up genius and helping out at one of the events listed below, we pay you money through these events that goes directly towards a church event!
*We also have scholarship money available if this funding is insufficient.
Milestones Ministry
Upcoming dates for all grades in Milestone Ministries are as follows:
9th & 10th Graders: April 15th
11th & 12th Graders: February 25th and April 22nd
All Milestones will meet at our normal Pathways time on Sunday at 10:15 am in the Loft. More information on Milestones below.
You may of heard of our Stepping Stones Family ministry. This year we are recreating, and amplifying that ministry and giving it a new name. MILESTONES is a re-newed learning opportunity for families with children creating a significant link between the church and home, while also fostering a sense of community among families.
Come See Me!
Fill out this Come See Me! form and we’ll try and do exactly that! We love seeing you inside the church and at our events but let us come see you at your events!
Connect with us
Big Smiles to you,
Jordan and Gabe
Gabe Flynn: 952.473.8877, gflynn@www.wayzatacommunitychurch.org
Jordan Masters: 612.226.9467, jmasters@www.wayzatacommunitychurch.org